Work for us

man opening his arms wide open on snow covered cliff with view of mountains during daytime

From guts to glory

Expertise with an attitude

Although at Ubicum we work a lot, and hard - as someone else would describe it - we see it more as doing what we love most.

The passion for IT, and then hospitality IT in particular, radiates from our founder Frederic. In Gianni, he found professional like-mindedness. And that expresses itself in many facets. In creativity, in finding things out, bringing certain visions to life, having an eye for the next big thing, sensing the market, seeing opportunities in new technologies ... and so on. These self-made men are the absolute foundations on which the company is now growing. And a great inspiration for everyone who steps on board!

We are definitely open to enthusiasts who want to grow with us. The vision is ready, the road towards it too!

​To the vacancies​

How we roll

What can you expect from us?

How you fit

What matters to us.

Are you someone who is genuinely interested in what we do? Maybe you have even already acquired - on your own if necessary - some knowledge about our field? If so, you already have an edge. Our ideal employee is handy and just goes for it. If you are eager to learn and really absorb new knowledge, then the sky is the limit! A healthy chunk of self-confidence mixed with old-school reliability is what will really make us ecstatic.

Let's make it fit

Convinced that we match on interests and mindset?

At the moment, we have no vacancies. But certainly don't be discouraged. There are different ways of looking at things, so we are very flexible and are certainly open to exploring with you where your talents might best come into their own. So are you convinced we need you? Send us an email briefly introducing yourself (with or without a CV) and stating what interests you. And we’ll take it from there.

Check us out!

So you can also put a face on it.

Frederic and Gianni we introduced earlier. With a view to future plans and further growth, Eveline and Arne also joined us. In addition, of course, we often work with a team of top technicians to deliver extensive installations quickly.

Frederic, Founder | Sales & IT

Frederic is a whirlwind. With unprecedented energy, he is always there for everyone. The passion for his business and field is genuine. He is the first to take action and draws the team into his enthusiasm. On the other hand, he is very approachable and down-to-earth. Just say it, is his motto. 

Eveline, General Manager

Getting a grip on the essentials quickly and acting accordingly, that characterises Eveline. With already some experience and versatile interests in various fields, she forms a reliable basis. Stimulating, motivating and gently guiding the team comes naturally to her, as Frederic's older sister.

Gianni, ICT Specialist

You can really ask Gianni anything. His knowledge of our systems is second to none. But above all, don't think it stops there. If you have any question, Gianni may know the answer. He is not averse to putting together or making something. He has his heart on his sleeve and in the right place. 

Arne, ICT Engineer

With Arne we have a real winner! He really perks up when he can complete and finish complete installations on location. A dream to work with and to have on the floor ... It is a pleasure to witness his daily enthusiasm and genuine interest in our field and the sector.

Let's make projects happen together!